Local on heathland, moorland, calcareous grassland, sea cliffs and quarries throughout much of the British Isles. In Hampshire and on the Isle of Wight local and uncommon; on the heaths of the New Forest, a dark form predominates, and on the Freshwater cliffs, a quite different, white, form is found. Wingspan 32-39 mm. In their corresponding ranges, could be confused with
Irish Annulet Odontognophos dumetata or
Scotch Annulet Gnophos obfuscata, which see for a description of the differences. Larva feeds on Sea Campion, Thrift, Common Rock-rose, Common Bird's-foot Trefoil, Kidney Vetch, Creeping Cinquefoil, Wild Strawberry, Wild Thyme, Salad Burnet and Heather.