Local in damp woodland and marshes throughout England, less commonly in the north. In Hampshire mainly recorded in the larval stage, as a leaf mine on Sallow, but uncommon in north Hampshire and on the Isle of Wight. Wingspan male 5.3-6.3 mm, female 5.6-6.8 mm. Easily separated from most
Ectoedemia species by presence of a medial dorsal spot only on forewing. Distinguished from
E. heringella by more uniformly dark forewings, hair-pencil in male, and the flagellum being the same colour as the scape: it is the only
Ectoedemia with this character. Other species of Nepticulidae with dorsal spot only have it in postmedial position (MBGBI Vol 1). Larva mines leaves of Sallow, over-wintering as a pupa.