Local in damp grassland, meadows and marshes, in England, with great variations in abundance and temporary extensions of range; on the east coast the species is possibly reinforced by immigration. Apparently, recorded in the UK very infrequently in recent years. In Hampshire rare, and irregular in its appearance. Recorded once on the Isle of Wight, at Freshwater in August 1986. Wingspan 42-50 mm.
Double Dart Graphiphora augur has no streak connecting the stigmata and the hindwing is wholly dark brown;
Northern Rustic Standfussiana lucernea, which would normally be found in a very different habitat, also lacks this streak, has barely visible stigmata, and much darker brown hindwing;
Garden Dart Euxoa nigricans is smaller and darker, with hindwing more suffused in both sexes (MBGBI Vol 9). Larva feeds on Sow-thistle, Dandelion and Dock.