Photo © Roy Leverton

Coast Dart

Euxoa cursoria

Checklist Number
73.311 [B&F: 2083]

Record will require further evidence, at least a good photograph, unless CMR is aware recorder has confidence in identification


Authority:(Hufnagel, 1766)

Nationally scarce (Nb) in sand-dunes in parts of eastern England, north-western England and Scotland, predominantly coastal. Not recorded in Hampshire or on the Isle of Wight to date. Wingspan 34-38 mm. The most likely confusion species are Sand Dart Agrotis ripae, which see for differences, and White-line Dart E. tritici, in which the forewing is a little broader and the costa more curved; the ground colour is usually more fuscous and less sandy; the forewing is abruptly paler beyond the postmedian line and there is a darker area usually forming a distinct cloud around the reniform stigma (MBGBI Vol 9). Larva feeds on Sea Sandwort, Early Hair-grass, Common Couch, Sticky Mouse-ear, Sea Spurge and Hound's-tongue, over-wintering as an egg.