Common in gardens, heathland, saltmarshes, woodland rides and a wide range of other habitats throughout much of the British Isles. In Hampshire and on the Isle of Wight widespread and common in all three vice-counties. Wingspan 34-44 mm. The most likely confusion species is
Dog's Tooth Lacanobia suasa, which is duller brown and has a characteristic central tooth-mark on forewing, even in the darkest forms it is usually just possible to see the subterminal line and the short, black basal streak (MBGBI Vol 9). Larva polyphagous, feeding mainly on herbaceous plants, but with an apparent natural preference for orache and goosefoot, also on Stinging Nettle, Fat-hen, Broad-leaved Willowherb, Rosebay Willowherb, St John's-wort, Traveller's-joy, Black-bindweed, Tamarisk, English Elm, Hazel, Hop and Reed Sweet-grass, over-wintering as a pupa.