Local in broad-leaved woodland, scrub, parks and gardens throughout England, the main population centres being from Hampshire and the Isle of Wight to Kent, the Wye Valley and southern Cumbria. In our area, the main population centres are the central New Forest, Wickham Common / Botley Wood, and on the Isle of Wight, in the Cranmore / Ningwood Common area. Possibly declining in the north-east and around Chandlers Ford, where previously common. Wingspan 40-45 mm. The characteristic square-shaped blotch mid-way along the subterminal fascia is visible in most individuals, but obscured in some dark forms, which occur infrequently and which often have a pale central cross-band. Larva feeds on the foliage of Sessile and Pedunculate Oak, Silver and Downy Birch, Beech, Hornbeam and Yew; mid-June to mid-August, over-wintering as a pupa.