Common in woodland, scrub, hedgerows, gardens, heathland and moorland throughout the British Isles. Widespread and common in Hampshire and on the Isle of Wight. Wingspan male 36-42 mm, female flightless; principal confusion species are
Mottled Umber Erannis defoliaria, which lacks row of dark spots on termen, and
Scarce Umber A. aurantiaria, which differs in wing shape and is always golden yellow; Dotted Border ab.
fuscata is plain brown. Larva feeds on various broad-leaved trees and shrubs, including Pedunculate and Sessile Oak, Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Downy and Silver Birch, Hazel, Willow, Elm, Sycamore, Apple, Plum and Heather, over-wintering as a pupa.