Photo © Mike Wall

Pima boisduvaliella

Checklist Number
62.019 [B&F: 1453]

Record will normally be accepted but photo evidence may be required - check with CMR if not sure of identity


Authority:(Guenée, 1845)

Nationally scarce (Na) on sand-dunes and shingle beaches in England, from Norfolk to Kent and also in Lancashire, predominantly coastal. Not recorded in Hampshire or on the Isle of Wight to date. Wingspan 22-26 mm. Bears a slight resemblance to Pleurota bicostella, but that has greyer, more pointed forewing, larger discal spot, and white streak is along costa itself; also resembles Anerastia lotella, in which forewing is broader, usually sandier in colour and costal streak is dull creamy white [Goater]. Larva feeds on flowers and seeds of herbaceous plants such as Sea Pea, Bird's-foot Trefoil and Spiny Restharrow.