Nationally scarce (Nb) on waste ground, roadside verges, gardens, damp grassland and fens in Britain, from Devon to Norfolk, with isolated populations in north Wales, northern England and Aberdeenshire. In Hampshire the majority of records come from around Southsea, Portsmouth and Fareham, with only one single record from north Hampshire; the species is perhaps overlooked away from the south-east corner of vice-county 11. Reported new for the Isle of Wight in 2022. Wingspan 11-13 mm. Outwardly oblique white streak from costa at four-fifths to middle of termen, extending into cilia; two or three white specks on costa between streak and apex; distinct circular discal spot (MBGBI Vol 4 part 2). Larva feeds within seedheads of Tansy and Sneezewort, over-wintering in a silken chamber.